Boil bananas and drink before bed, the result is amazing!!!

banana is a fruit with many health benefits that can help prevent many problems. Indeed, the fruit of magnesium and potassium content helps strengthen bones and regulate blood pressure. This fruit also increases the amount of tryptophan in the body, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, a hormone that promotes sleep.

Sleep is essential for an organization that works correctly as it affects the mental and physical health. Therefore, sleep disturbance can cause serious health problems including:
  • -       The stress
  • -       The Depression
  • -       An acceleration of skin aging
  • -       Increased emotionality
  • -       some treatments
  • -       Lack of concentration
  • -       Decreased memory
  • -       An appetite for junk food

Insomnia is characterized by a decrease in the usual sleep time. Several factors can cause this phenomenon, including: stress, anxiety, pain, poor diet (too much caffeine). Sometimes insomnia can also be linked to certain conditions such as hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular diseases or depression.

A natural trick to improve your sleep
Here is a natural trick that will help you improve your sleep, while full of vitamins and minerals. Discover the recipe:
Ingrédients :
  • -       1 banana
  • -       A pinch of cinnamon (optional)
  • -       1 saucepan of water

Preparation :
Cut the banana into 3 large slices and boil in water for 10 minutes. Using a strainer, pour your tea into a cup and sweeten with a little cinnamon. It is advisable to drink one hour before bedtime. Repeat the operation each night until you notice improvements.
Do not throw pieces of banana, make it a puree that you'll sprinkle with cinnamon and you enjoy while drinking your beverage.

Adding cinnamon is optional; it is also not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. In addition, excessive consumption of cinnamon can lead to heart palpitations and other health problems.
