Lose weight up to 80% of belly fat before starting a diet or exercise!

ingredients :
  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup water

  • Mix baking soda and apple cider vinegar, and pour this foam solution in a glass of water to reduce the acid taste of the two ingredients. Drink before breakfast on an empty stomach.
  • Cider vinegar containing acetic acid and nutrients, it regulates glucose levels in the blood, reduced sugar cravings, increases metabolic facilitate fat burning and reduces water retention in the body.
  • This recipe can help you lose weight quickly, easily, without it costs you an arm and the head. Just make cures in two weeks. So what are you trying?

Warnings :
  • Excessive consumption of soda can lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals and inhibiting the absorption of certain drugs. Sodium bicarbonate is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 5 years. Moreover, people prone to stomach problems or high blood pressure should avoid consuming.
  • Apple cider vinegar is very acidic, it could cause some discomfort and irritation in the throat, damaging the enamel of your teeth, and sometimes cause nausea. Consume in moderation. Be sure to let the breaks of one week minimum between courses.


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