flush toxins and you lose weight permanently with this juice

Ingredients :

·         1 medium sized cucumber
·         1 medium sized Fuji apple
·         2 to 3 kale leaves
·         A small handful of parsley
·         Half a lemon (not peeled)
How to prepare :
1)    For people using a centrifugal juicer (use a wide mouth for this), stack up the 3 leaves of kale on top of one another then put the parsley over it.
2)    Carefully roll it like you would roll a lentil so it is packed tight.
3)    Chop the cucumber in half then place the first half inside the juicer then juice part of it, not the whole thing. Then add the rolled parsley and kale and the other half of then turn on the juicer.
4)    This technique allows you to maximize the amount of juice extracted from the leafy greens.
5)    Juice the apple and lemon afterwards. Lightly stir and drink.


Food fact: Cucumber is 96% water which makes it an ideal base ingredient in any juice recipe and it only contains a miniscule 0.9% sugar and virtually zero fat so you don’t have to worry about gaining any weight.
This green juice helps system flush away toxins because cucumber is a diuretic that stimulates your liver and kidneys to flush away excess liquid. Parsley helps with the intestine’s digestion.
Both kale and parsley are rich sources of vitamin A, B, C and K so drinking this daily not only helps with weight loss but also boosts the immune system.

Cucumber and apple make a great base for a lot of juice recipes. The Fuji apple adds sweetness and cucumber has a lot of water content that dilutes the strong flavor of Kale.
