5 Powerful ingredients to burn stored fat
When we eat, our body gives three types of inputs: proteins (meat, fish ...), carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables ...) and lipids (oils, dairy products, egg yolks ...). The first two are converted respectively to amino acids and glucose, and can not be stored by the body as fat with the help of insulin. However, in terms of lipids, it is sufficient that the intake exceeds the body's needs so that the latter begins to store.
To get rid of this unsightly and disturbing stock, we called on the expertise of fitness experts including Peter Carvel, coach and consultant nutritionist, who has revealed four powerful and effective ingredients that will help you find the line in a month !
Food fat-burning in power:
This is one of the most popular spices in the world for its high content of antioxidants that help fight against aging and stress. And of course, who said said stress need comfort that many people are in chocolate and sweets!
So not only decreases our desire for sweet foods, but it also controls the level of glucose in the body and maintains its sensitivity to insulin, needed to convert proteins and carbohydrates into fat (as explained above). Thus, by consuming cinnamon half a teaspoon before meals, you will want to eat less during the meal and less urge to snack after.

it contains capsaicin (an antioxidant), which gives it its characteristic spicy and stimulating energy expenditure. In other words, it promotes the loss of calories, especially those from fat burned. Moreover, according to scientific studies, chili consumption before or during a meal slows the appetite and thus reduces the amount of calories ingested.
Coffee beans:
mainly green coffee, pure, which contains antioxidants promoting digestion and eliminate toxins and chlorogenic acid which reduces blood sugar levels and reduces the absorption of sugar by intestines. In addition, it stimulates energy expenditure and an appetite suppressant.
Green tea:

known for its ability to enhance immunity, stimulate digestion and especially to burn fat.
It has many similarities with the coffee:
its antioxidant content, its detoxifying effect and stimulating energy expenditure. But unlike the coffee is an exciting, green tea has a relaxing effect, reducing your stress levels and inhibits cortisol hormone that opens appetite.
However, it is preferable to use organic tea to be sure of their quality. Organic teas contain no chemicals or pesticides.
So to have a lean and sculpted body, one must be of attack:
we start the morning with a good cup of coffee, preferably without sugar or cream and ideally with a bit of cinnamon, 30 minutes before the morning exercises (eh yes, sports, you will not escape!). Then, a little spice added to our day, spicing up our lunch, and we finish our afternoon in style, with a cup of hot green tea, which frees us from the stress of the day. You do not forget to take a balanced diet that is heavily loaded with fruits and vegetables.
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