Do not deprive yourself of food with protein diet

Do you want to lose a lot of weight?
Is it hurts you the idea of ​​hunger during a specific diet ??
You can lose weight and you're dealing with steaks, burgers and cheese, all of this without ever feel hungry ...
who does not love this?
Recently began Iqbal meat lovers on diets based on a lot of protein and very little carbohydrates. It is true that these systems could not work on the issue of weight loss,
but you first before you choose one of them to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages.
How much protein in the diet of protein? 
Bulks take 12% -18% of their calories daily of protein, and with a high protein diet, can figure rises much more, it may constitute a protein half your calories per day, and this extra protein to be sources of animal, such as meat and eggs and cheese, but often these systems are severely limited for some foods such as grains, fruits and vegetables, but research says that these systems do any good.
How do these systems work?
When prevent the body from carbohydrates, lose weight quickly because you lose water, then with no additional carbohydrates, the body starts to burn fat stored inside it to get your its fuel, and this may make the follow easiest diet because you feel less hungry, but in turn can cause headaches irritability, nausea, kidney problems and heart palpitations.
But is this diet safe?
Experienced physicians do not agree that the American Heart Association does not recommend following a diet of high protein; because the reliance on meat with a high fat ratio may lead to higher cholesterol, which puts you at risk of having a heart attack, as well as the body deprived of vegetables and cereals deprives the body of nutrients and fiber important, but on the other hand, diets high in protein will help in the fight against obesity; therefore followers of more moderate diet, prevents fat but does not prevent a lot of carbohydrates, it may be safer.
The start of a high protein diet:
The golden rule is:
the best choice diet high most feed protein containing a small percentage of fat but include some carbohydrates, avoid harsh systems that contain huge servings of fatty meat and little vegetables, grains, consult your doctor is best able redirected to the best plans.
Say hello to the diet:
If you choose a piece of beef beefy non'll get a high percentage of protein with very little fat. In fact, such a piece of meat containing ratio of saturated fat may be similar to a piece of chicken breast of the same size.
What do you think white meat?
Chicken and poultry occupy a large area of ​​high-protein diet package, if you choose white meat will get a lot less fat than dark meat; if for slimming your meal more special, remove the skin, which is packed with saturated fat.
Fish provides healthy fat:
fish do not need to think too much - it is filled with high-protein low-fat and always, even fish that are larger than the percentage of fat, such as salmon or tuna, are good choices, because the fat in these fish is generally the kind of heart-healthy known as omega-3 fatty acids, most diets do not contain enough of this goodness, those friendly fats that reduce the risk of cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.
a form of cheap protein egg price contains a lot of cholesterol, but one egg a day is safe for healthy adults. Egg yolks with all the cholesterol and less than half of the protein, so if Geert choose whiteness, but even if you eat the yolk, remember that only a small amount of cholesterol in the food reaches the bloodstream, and keep saturated fat and trans fat cause a larger increase levels cholesterol.
it is also high in protein: soy burger, and other foods full of soybeans are plant-based protein nutritious sources. An added bonus: eating 25 grams of soy protein a day may help lower cholesterol.
full of fiber and protein: beans strong package loaded with protein and full of fiber, along with protein fiber may help you feel full for a longer period and also help lower cholesterol, to zoom in enough to know that a cup and a half of beans contain protein as much as about 3 ounces of grilled meet.
Low-fat dairy:
milk, cheese and yogurt are not only rich in protein, but also gives the body calcium for strong, healthy bones and a healthy heart. Low-fat and fat-free dairy products help you reduce calories
Leave room for fruit and vegetables:
Make sure to leave space for fruit and vegetables during a high protein diet, they contain gold mines of powerful antioxidants that are not found in other foods, research suggests that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of injury cancer.
Protein more .. greater risk:
the medical community's concerns about diets high percentage of protein, especially when it is to follow this diet over the long term, diets full of saturated and low-fiber high in fat, such as meals eaten in the diet can increase cholesterol levels, and may raise the risk of heart disease and stroke, and other potential health risks when you follow this diet over the long term include osteoporosis, kidney disease, so when you think to follow a high protein diet you have to weigh the benefits and risks and should see a doctor before starting in this system, especially if you have special health problems.
After our tour in this article we hope to be a protein diet has become clear and we wish you a happy ideal weight and health.
