Prepare this drink in 5 minutes, drink it for 5 days and lose 2 kg!

You want to lose weight fast and healthy? This natural recipe will help you lose 2 kilos in just 5 days!

Being overweight is the result of excessive fat storage in the body, which significantly affects the functioning of vital organs, including the heart, liver and kidneys, threatening your overall health.

Overweight people are likely to have a higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, malfunction of the gallbladder, or bone deformities and diseases such as gout.

If you suffer from overweight or obesity, consider losing weight naturally and healthily by consuming this drink that helps burn body fat!

Ø  1 lemon
Ø  60 g of parsley
Ø  1 cup water
Preparation and use:
Squeeze the lemon and, in a blender, mix it with fresh parsley. Then pour the mixture into a cup and add water at room temperature.
Consume this drink every morning on an empty stomach before breakfast for five days straight. Then pause for 10 days, then repeat the treatment.
You can continue to use this very effective trick to lose weight as long as you like, until the desired weight. Remember that it is important to eat freshly prepared beverage.
This drink for weight loss stimulates metabolism, accelerates fat burning process and provides the necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of the body.
The benefits of parsley :
Rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, trace elements and vitamins A and C, parsley is one of the most beneficial foods for health. This aromatic plant has purgative and diuretic properties with a few compounds such as flavonoids and apioside apiol. In addition, parsley improves digestion, helps the body get rid of fluids and gases and reduces cholesterol.

The benefits of lemon :
Lemon is full of vitamin C, antioxidants and acids that improve digestion. This citrus fruit also has detoxifying and diuretic properties that help burn fat and thus lose weight. Its citric acid reduces the absorption of sugar and interact with digestive enzymes, which aids digestion and relieves bloating. Lemon eliminates toxins and allows the body to better absorb essential nutrients.

To lose weight safely, consume this drink through a healthy and balanced diet consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables. Also make sure to regular physical activity, consume enough water (1.5L to 2L per day) and sleep at least 8 hours per night.
