6 tips to finally succeed in losing weight

People who are overweight or obese have higher risk of developing chronic disease that will affect one way or another their quality of life.
For this reason, being slim is a necessity for thousands of people who constantly struggle to get meaningful results.

If you recognize yourself in what we have to say, discover in this article 6 tips to lose weight without fail. You are ready ?
1.  Eliminate temptations :
Have you ever taken the time to watch all the food you have in your fridge?
If you have not already done so, we invite you there. So count the number of calories in it!
It's time to change! Eliminate all foods that can be a temptation for you, such as:
·         charcuterie
·         canned
·         Fried foods
·         The sweets
·         Frozen products
·         Industrial sauces
Instead, fill your refrigerator with healthy foods that will help you slim down, for example:
·         Blue fish
·         The milk and dairy products (low-fat)
·         Skinny fat
·         The all kinds of fruits
·         Vegetables of all kinds
·         Essential fatty acids
2. Eat 5 times a day :

Some of the "miracle" diets that are all the rage during the summer, can definitely help you lose a few kilos.
However, they have negative effects on health, and always end in spectacular failures.
In order for your system to be effective and sustainable, it must be balanced and gone in five daily meals:
·         Do not miss under any circumstances lunch.
·         Grab a snack in the afternoon.
·         Breakfast lunch well.
·         Eat something light mid morning.
·         Dine light.
The secret of a good diet is in moderate meal that can consume all the nutrients we need for our day.
3.Increase your water consumption :
No other liquid can not do much good to your body than water.
Indeed, while it hydrates your body, it helps to maintain a good energy level and helps support dieting.
Water is essential to detoxify the body and provide a feeling of satiety, which is essential to avoid excessive intake of calories.
The ideal is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, throughout the day
If you quickly grow weary of drinking water, you can eat it in different ways, in the form of:
·         Infusions
·         fruity waters
·         natural smoothies
·         Natural fruit juice
4. Eat slowly :
The speed at which we eat affects how our body assimilates the food we eat.
It is estimated that the brain takes about 20 minutes to receive the satisfaction of the stomach signals, which should encourage us to eat more slowly.
In addition, it is important that we chewed our food well so that our digestive processes run optimally, and on time.
5. Exercise :
You may be tired of hearing it, but it is something indispensable.

You do not need to make a high intensity workout to seeing results.

With only 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity 3-4 times a week and 20 minutes of strength exercises 2-3 times a week, you will cause significant changes to your health, as your weight.

The combination of these two types of exercises help burn fat more easily. This is the key to quickly gain muscle mass.
6. Sit properly :
You may think that sleep has nothing to do with body weight, but it is fundamental reality.
When sleep quality is not good, increases the production of cortisol in the body. It is a hormone associated with stress and mood changes.
In addition, the urge to eat unhealthy foods, which are high in calories, increases, and for hours the metabolism is very slow.

The ideal is thus to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruption.
