the golden rules and effective tips to lose weight

You can successfully lose a few kilos to two conditions: change your eating habits and increasing physical activity. If you do not practice any physical exercise today, it is not mandatory to play sports, but a daily walk or some swimming each week can already do a lot.
How to lose weight permanently
To lose weight you have to press a few solid principles:
Give yourself time, at least a month to lose 2-3 kilos;
  • Prevent cravings and fatigue;
  • While standing regulations established at the outset;
  • Avoid deficiencies in vitamins and minerals;
  • Do not use medication or special food for diet;
  • Keep maximum pleasure to eat.

Choose well the cooking method foods:
  • Meats: grilled or roasted;
  • Fish: Grilled, baked or microwaved, or in foil;
  • Vegetables: steamed, braised or in microwave
  • Dial seasonings and sauces less fat as possible: put a little oil, butter or cream, then use lemon, yogurt, bouillon cube and soy sauce, last season to taste with herbs and spices.

The basic rules for losing weight :
To change your diet, you have moderately reduce calorie intake, ie first the fats and sugars. Always observe good food practices by adding some simple rules.
  1. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast which must remain plentiful. Make a light evening meal;
  2. Not to eat between meals. If you are hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water, coffee or tea without sugar. Drink also before the meal and during the meal;
  3. Choose lean meats and favor poultry without skin, fish and shellfish;
  4. Watch out for hidden fats: avoid all meat in sauce, fatty meats, rich gratins in milk, butter or cream, cheese and eggs, fried foods, cakes and pastries, sweets and chocolate, ice cream, cakes aperitifs;
  5. Eat vegetables at will and in all forms: raw, cooked in soup;
  6. Continue to eat starchy foods at each meal: pasta, rice, potatoes or bread. They provide a sense of satiety and provide the energy you need, as well as fiber. However all that accompanies them is limited to: fatty sauces, butter, cheese, cream, etc. We must consume these starchy alone or with a seasoning without sugar or fat free;
  7. Remove sugary soft drinks;
  8. Remove alcohol and beer. You can continue to drink wine, preferably red, limiting yourself to one drink a day;
  9. Avoid eating outside your home because it is more difficult to control your diet. The restaurant is sometimes possible, with friends it is more difficult ... If you do a good meal with others, we must then try to reduce the quantities and especially never serve you up a dish;
  10. Eat two fruit per day, but no more; 
