how to supercharge your sex life without viagra

Viagra is not an aphrodisiac! "Viagra is a drug, it is only available on prescription. As Cialis and Levitra, these drugs against erectile dysfunction This drug stimulates blood flow to the penis to facilitate erection will last longer, but without any action on the desire. " and the use of this medical monitoring drug can be dangerous to health.
Contrary There are natural substances that has both the ability to arouse desires and boost sexual abilities. they are not only reserved for men but women also. To have a libido at the top, here is a recipe adapted aphrodisiac for you, and naturally will be much more effective safe:
      A lemon
      500 grams of watermelon
Cut the watermelon into small pieces that you will put in the blender, do not remove seeds. Mix well until you get a consistent texture. Then pour the juice into a pan, let heat for a few minutes and add the lemon juice. You must boil until the water evaporates and the mixture is reduced by half.
Let cool for one hour or more, pour the mixture into a jar and store in refrigerator.
Take between two spoons and a third of a cup of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach in the evening before dinner and at any time during the day because this recipe is no health risk. This mixture can be used by men as by women.
Of the European health experts have conducted research on the effect of the watermelon as a remedy against impotence. They discovered that this fruit contains amino acid called citrulline and arginine that help stimulate the production of testosterone. In addition, citrulline also promotes dilation of blood vessels, for an effect similar to that of Viagra.
Besides watermelon, here is a list of foods that can be very useful ... :
The almonds :
The almonds have many health benefits. They are rich in zinc, which promotes the production of male hormones and arouse the female libido. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote blood circulation for more female pleasure and male endurance.
The lawyer :
The word lawyer is an Aztec word meaning "testicle". For the record, it was forbidden fruit in the Spanish monasteries in the Middle Ages. Its high content of vitamin B6 helps the production of dopamine, also called pleasure hormone. Avocado is also rich in potassium, which promotes the production of testosterone.
Pineapple :
This fruit is rich in vitamin C which is very effective against impotence and stimulates the production of pleasure hormones. In addition, its high fiber helps digestion and prevents bloating, which can be useful ...
the grenade :
The pomegranate plays a very important role in the production of testosterone. Indeed, a study by the University of Edimburg researchers proved that this fruit was helping to drive up the level of testosterone in the body 16 to 30%. Do not hesitate to consume!
Beet :

Beetroot has a similar effect to Viagra. In fact, it increases the production of nitric oxide which dilates vessels and increases blood flow to the penis because erections require good blood flow. However, do not abuse it!
