That 10 signs your body needs water time immediately! Discover and you should never ignore!

Why water is essential to life?
Without hydration, we can not ensure the functioning of vital body processes. Indeed, the majority of the members are mainly composed of water, for example:
-       The human body: about 70%
-       The brain: 70%
-       Muscles: 70% to 75%
-       Blood: 80%
-       Lungs: about 90%
-       The heart: between 70% and 80%
During breathing, sweating or urination, you lose water regularly. It is therefore imperative to consume a sufficient amount to hydrate your body and ensure proper operation. Basically, you should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Otherwise, you increase the risk of certain diseases due to dehydration.
Remember that your body is made mostly of water, and that the reserves it must be continually replenished. To prevent some symptoms and health problems related to dehydration, the solution is simple: drink water!
the 10 most common symptoms of dehydration that you must not ignore:
1.You urinate less:
Urinating between 6 and 7 times a day is quite normal. By cons, if you do not drink enough water, you will urinate less because your body is dehydrated and does not have enough water to replace the fluids evacuated throughout the day.
Even if your kidneys retain as much liquid as possible to prevent dehydration, you will still need to rebuild a stock of water in your body by consuming the recommended amount of water per day.
2.Your urine is dark in color:
When you do not consume the daily required amount of water, your urine may change color and become darker. This color indicates that your kidneys are forced to excrete more waste, such as dead cells, toxins and proteins.
dark 2.L'urine can also occur due to certain drugs or after eating certain foods (beetroot, blackberries, food colors, asparagus ...).
If the color of your urine remains dark despite increasing your water intake, this may indicate serious health problems such as hepatitis or gallstones.

3.You have constipation:
When you consume small amounts of water, you will be regularly likely to suffer from constipation. In fact, the water helps to soften the stool and facilitate intestinal transit, thus allowing better waste disposal.
Recall that dehydration is not the only cause of constipation. A sedentary lifestyle, hypothyroidism or an intestinal inflammation may be its origin. Food allergies, anxiety or stress can also contribute to constipation.
If it persists even if you consume an optimal amount of water, this means that other causes were responsible.
4.Dry skin and wrinkles:
Drinking plenty of water is the best way to hydrate the skin and improve its texture naturally. for a bright, youthful and silky skin, drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water per day!
Instead of spending your agent on moisturizing lotions and creams, increase your daily water consumption.
5.Dehydration weakens the immune system:
Drink water in small doses can increase blood toxicity. When toxins accumulate in large amounts in the blood, this puts your immune system in danger making it weaker and more susceptible to disease and infections. Hydrate your body to chase toxineset harmful waste and stay healthy.
6.Weight gain:
Sometimes the body can not distinguish between hunger and thirst! Indeed, the brain consists of a structure known under the name of "hypothalamus" that allows to control many behavioral functions such as hunger and thirst. This part of the brain can cause a feeling of hunger when the body needs water, which will push you to eat more and gain weight!
If you are hungry, try drinking water and wait 15 minutes before eating. If your hunger subsides, it indicates that you were thirsty.
7.You have dry mouth and thirst:
You thirst and dry mouth? You are probably about to mild dehydration!
Dry mouth indicates that the mucous membranes require hydration ... Just drink adequate amounts of water to solve this problem.
8.Headaches :
Your brain consists of about 75% water and if you do not consume enough water, headaches may occur. Specifically, your body will absorb water from all your tissues, including the brain, in order to address the lack of fluids. This process causes a decrease of oxygen in the brain causing headaches and dizziness.
9.Tiredness :
Water is essential for revitalizing the cells and tissues of the body. When it is dehydrated, you may have a constant feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Because of a low water consumption, blood flow decreases and the heart has to pump more blood to carry oxygen to organs.
10.Joint pain :

The water you drink helps lubricate your joints. If you drink less than the recommended amount, you increase the risk of joint pain. So try to drink enough water to prevent them.
