magical drink to Help You Lose Weight Quickly and Naturally & healthy cleanse

Did you know that the oat water can help you lose weight? We will explain how to prepare and how to include it in your diet to make it more effective.

Why we oat water helps to lose weight?

  • 1.    Water oat fasting helps us to lose weight thanks to its composition based on vitamins, minerals and fiber. She brings a satiating sensation, and thanks to her, we will not need to snack between meals, or eating excessive quantities.
  • 2.    Oats removes all the toxins that our body generates and stores. If in addition we feed oats through the water, it will bring us more protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • 3.    Oatmeal is a diuretic. It prevents the accumulation of fluids in our body. It feels so much better.
  • 4.    It provides beneficial properties to the body while you lose weight little by little.

the preparation of the oat water:

·         we need :a cup of oatmeal, cinnamon stick and two liters of water.
·         Then put in the blender oatmeal with a glass of water, stir to get a smooth substance. Then you can include the rest of the water, cinnamon and sweetener you wish; either stevia or two tablespoons of honey. If you see that there is still oatmeal, strain the mixture. Then put water in the fridge.
you can consume throughout the day. Start at breakfast with a glass. After, you can drink it before meals, it's ideal. This will help you be well satisfied!

a plan of a diet day with water oats:

Oatmeal A glass of water, an apple and an infusion.
1 glass of water as oat drink. A spinach salad with asparagus, nuts and turkey breast.
Afternoon tea: 
Green tea.

An oat drink of water. Eggplant baked beetroot and a few slices with a little lemon juice. For dessert, a baked apple with cinnamon.
