This miracle drink can lose belly fat in 4 days!

To overcome those unsightly bulges, you've tried everything or almost? Or the hours spent sweating in the gym or diets based on fruits and vegetables are not able to eliminate that belly fat that as mine your spirits ... To help eliminate abdominal fat and reduce your waistline, here is the recipe that miraculous?

What is the secret of this miracle drink?
Low in calories, this drink contains only highly effective ingredients to hydrate the body and boost metabolism. It also reduces the gas, flatulence and to maintain the phenomenon of peristalsis (a series of contractions that promote transport within the digestive tract).

  • A fresh cucumber medium size, chopped
  • 1 medium sized lemon, thinly sliced
  • 12 peppermint leaves
  • 8 glasses of water
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger root (or some fresh ginger slices)

First, mix all ingredients in a glass bottle and then put in the refrigerator overnight.
Then, strain the contents, then start drinking this juice. If you follow the advice issued earlier, you will see results after 4 days because water Sassy is very powerful and very effective to lose weight and reduce your waistline.

To know :
numerous scientific studies have shown that ginger facilitated the digestion of fats. A Japanese study on rats has also shown that ginger created the phenomenon of thermogenesis, an action that speeds up the metabolism.
Moreover, for the duration of the treatment, you will notice an increase in your urinary frequency, which is quite normal.
Do not worry about this urinary frequency, you will not get dehydrated! Rather, all these ingredients will have a lasting moisturizing action. Moreover, you will see the benefits in your skin a more radiant complexion, healthier skin.

Little advice :

Measure your waist before beginning the treatment and after.
