abandoned because she was obese, until she discovered this product !!!

Guarana or guaranine or Brazilian cocoa is a climbing plant of the family Sapindaceae maples. It is native to the Brazilian Amazon and Venezuela. Its fruit is small, red and contains black seeds.
The guarana seeds are rich in caféine.Elles contain about 2 to 4.5% caffeine, which is more than coffee beans (which contain between 1 and 2%). The seeds of this plant are also rich in tannin and xanthine alkaloids (theophylline and theobromine).

Guarana is a popular ingredient in diet pills herbal. Some data indicate that this seed could suppress appetite and increase fat burning.
the burner effect of fat from that seed is due to its high content of caffeine. In fact, extracts from the seed, once décafféinée, showed no effect on the metabolism of fat.
> Benefits:

Some studies indicate that guarana may suppress appetite and increase fat burning when used as part of a low calorie diet along with regular exercise. This seed can provide an energy boost.
> What form does this?
Usually you can find guarana as powder or pills. This nutrient is also found as an ingredient in energy drinks, soft drinks and other beverages.

You can consume between 50 and 250 mg of guarana per day (spread over the whole day).
