An ideal drink to burn fat and removes waste stored in the body !!!

Weight loss is a real fuss, but with these two drinks, you should burn body fat quickly. Beware though, their slimming properties are not magic so far ... These drinks must be accompanied by a healthy diet, regular physical activity, good quality and duration of sleep (at least 8 hours per day) and sufficient consumption water (at least 1.5 L per day).

  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey coffee
  • Some fresh ginger slices
  • 4 cups water

Instructions :
  • Boil water, pour it into a thermos and add the ginger. Let cool before adding the honey which loses its properties beyond 40 ° C.
  • Drink this tea throughout the day, half an hour before each meal, for 7 to 10 days.

Benefits of slimming tea :
Ginger is very effective when it comes to weight loss. It stimulates the metabolism by increasing the body temperature activates the fat burning process and removes waste stored in the body.
Popular for its health benefits, it is ideal for fat burning, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve digestion. Moreover, this root promotes the feeling of satiety while reducing snack cravings, and helps heal other ailments like nausea, migraine and menstrual cramps.

Important: Ginger is not recommended for stunted or suffering from blood diseases, pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as diabetics.
