detoxify your body and refresh yourself and lose weight in 4 days with a magic drink

This natural drink, in addition to help you lose the excess weight quickly, it will detoxify your body and refresh you.
  • 1 cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 1 lemon medium, thinly sliced
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger or failing a tablespoon of ground ginger organic
  • 12 mint leaves
  • 8 ½ cups of mineral water

  • Put all ingredients in a bowl and leave to infuse overnight. You can filter the next day if you want. This drink contains only natural products and safe. You can cures of 2 to 3 weeks, 3 times a year to have visible results.
  • For this drink whole amount in one day then do another one the next day. In four days you will see your first results. It is advisable to do exercises to help eliminate toxins from your body.
