Drink this every night before going to bed to lose weight and burn fat while sleeping!!!

The recipe that you recommend is one of the best fat-burning drinks to lose weight safely and quickly. In addition, this drink stimulates the metabolism, nourish the body and release toxins.
It is a natural drink to melt the fat stored around the belly and thighs!
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon honey or powdered ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon parsley

Prepare this slimming drink one hour before going to bed In a blender, mix all ingredients, then sip your drink before sleeping.
Consume this drink for a week to 10 days and repeat the operation 2 to 3 times per year.
Apple cider vinegar:
Rich in vitamins and minerals, apple cider vinegar is used in traditional medicine for centuries to relieve many ailments. In addition, apple cider vinegar is used by people wishing to lose weight and cleanse the body.
Apple cider vinegar can help the process of weight loss and fat burning while improving digestion and intestinal transit. This natural ingredient has the ability to regulate blood sugar in the blood, boost metabolism and reduce appetite for healthy weight loss.
Very effective for weight loss, ginger is a plant favoring the feeling of satiety and metabolism boosting. Like cinnamon, ginger increases the body temperature, and thus activates the process of weight loss and fat burning. Moreover, ginger improves digestion, reduces the cholesterol level in the blood and detoxifies the body.
Cinnamon is prized for its slimming power. Indeed, this spice increases body temperature and thus activates the fat burning process and weight loss by accelerating the metabolism. In addition, cinnamon reduces snack cravings, promotes satiety and strengthens the immune system.
The lemon:
Lemon is rich in antioxidants, minerals and citric acid. Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, this citrus fruit promotes the secretion of a hormone known as the lanoradrénaline, helping to burn fat. Lemon is also rich in dietary fiber, especially pectin, which prolongs the feeling of satiety. It is the best natural food for breaking down fat, improve digestion and so lose weight.
Very low in calories, parsley is rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. This herb promotes the feeling of satiety, detoxifies the body and has diuretic properties. On the other hand, Parsley has anti-flatulence properties, stimulates digestion and facilitates gas outlet.
- Cinnamon is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years.

- Ginger is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, diabetics and puny, people suffering from blood diseases.


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