Fat burning drink that helps to slim even during sleep

This miraculous drink, simple to prepare at home, is 100% natural and can burn fat day and night, here is the recipe.
  • Two tablespoons of organic cider vinegar
  • One tablespoon of honey
  • A glass of grapefruit juice

Add the honey and vinegar to the grapefruit juice and mix to obtain a homogeneous drink.
It should be drunk thirty minutes before each meal, three times a day for a month for visible results.
Why grapefruit?
It is a citrus fruit with many health benefits and a slimming ally effective because it has 40 calories per 100 grams. It is rich in fiber, necessary for intestinal transit and stimulation of digestive secretions. It is also rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and potassium.
As part of a balanced diet and regular physical activity, people suffering from obesity are encouraged to consume grapefruit as it plays a role in weight loss. A study of obesity showed that the group who consumed half a grapefruit a day for 12 days before each meal lost 1.6 kilos compared to 0.3 for the group that did not consume it.
It is also an effective anti-cholesterol for people with bad cholesterol levels.
Rich in antioxidants, this fruit improves the elasticity of the vessels and arteries and improves blood circulation. It strengthens the system of defense of the organism and can even prevent the proliferation of cancer cells thanks to the micronutrients of which it is constituted namely the flavonoids, the carotenoids and the vitamin C.
The cider vinegar:
Cider vinegar stimulates digestion, renews the intestinal flora and helps relieve flatulence and constipation. It has an appetite suppressant and draining action. For visible results, it is recommended to use organic cider vinegar.
Cider vinegar also helps relieve muscle aches such as body aches, rheumatism and sprains. Simply pour two large glasses of vinegar into the bath water and add a handful of coarse salt to maximize its relaxing effect.
Apple cider vinegar also has an antiseptic power that helps relieve sore throat, flu and colds.

People suffering from inflammation of the stomach or severe ulcers should seek advice from their doctor. It is also not advisable to drink cider vinegar directly as it can damage teeth enamel and oral mucous membranes, it is better to drink diluted using a straw.
