4 miraculous ingredients that will help you have a flat stomach fast !!!

There are no miracle cures that help to lose 10 kg in a week without health risk. To lose weight and make the result sustainable, you need to exercise and pay attention to your diet in the long term.
We invite you to discover the recipe for this healthy and delicious drink that will help you lose weight and wait for your goal faster.
  • A 250 ml glass filled with chopped parsley.
  • 3 slices fresh pineapple.
  • 1 stalk of celery.
  • 1 medium size cucumber.

Wash the vegetables and the pineapple slices without the skin, put them in the blender and mix until a homogeneous preparation. You should not add salt, pepper, sugar or sweeteners.
This juice of pineapple and vegetables should be drunk within the first fifteen minutes after having prepared it to avoid losing its beneficial properties. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
If you combine this drink with exercise and a healthy diet, you will feel the result within a week: the size of your belly will be reduced considerably.
What is the secret of this miraculous juice?
it is a product of reduced caloric value, 100 grams contain only 16 kcal. Its fiber swells in the stomach, which gives you the feeling of being satiated. In addition, research has allowed scientists to establish that increasing the amount of fiber in the diet is one of the most important elements to lose weight.
Like celery, cucumbers contain fiber and have the same nutritional value. Cucumbers contain 95% water, which helps you consume the two liters of liquid daily recommended by nutritionalists to lose weight.
Parsley :
contains a large amount of fiber: 3.3 grams per 100 grams of the product, while the same amount of cucumber and celery contains 0.5 grams and 1.6 grams respectively. In addition, parsley has a gentle natural diuretic effect.

100 grams of pineapple contain 1 gram of insoluble fiber, and its nutritional value is 50 kcal. In addition, the pineapple improves the taste of the drink.
